
他学科履修 不可
講義内容  This course is intended to encourage and assist you in strengthening your English vocabulary and will require frequent and active use of all 4 main language learning skills, but in particular speaking and listening.
 A number of topics presented in Intermediate Vocabulary will form the basis for a variety of language learning activities. Students will be helped in acquiring this vocabulary through discussion activities which will involve music listening comprehension, art, and film. Short reading assignments will often be given for homework every week, and students will also be required to keep journals in English which will incorporate and recycling some of the language learned every week. In this way students will be able to confidently use the vocabulary learned. A knowledge of some of the more common word roots of English can often give clues to the meaning of many words and so the study of certain word roots will also be an occasional feature in this class.
 Topics for vocabulary acquisition and discussion have yet to be finalised, but students will be probably be offered some 7 topics during the length of the semester each one lasting 2-3 weeks, and possibly including, among others, Crime, Job-hunting; Advertising; Conflict; and Greed.
学修目標  By the end of the semester, students' vocabulary acquisition will reflect a considerable improvement as will their conversational skills, as they acquire a proficiency in vocabulary for the topics discussed in class which approaches the standards required by Cambridge First Certificate level.
評価方法 This will be outlined at the beginning of class, but in principal, grades will be determined on:
i) Homework and the results of the end of semester vocabulary test:40%
ii) Attendance, class participation and effort:60%
テキスト Students will need to purchase Intermediate Vocabulary by B JThomas(Longman)Other learning materials will be provided by the instructor, and on occasion, by students. Although finishing the book in one semester will not be possible, the text can be used for self-study and for reference long after the course has finished and can be added to your personal library as a useful study tool.