
講義内容  本講義は、歴史的側面というよりは、共時的側面に焦点を当てる。様々な教育法が歴史的に行われてきただけでなく、現在においても色々な教員により色々な場所で実践されている。そして、一人の教員も場合により、様々な教育法を用いる。概括的に、各々の教授法の特徴を述べるのではなく、教育の現場において最も有効な方法を取るのが現代の教師に要求されている。本講義では、どのような教育法が、どのようなことを習得する時に、どのような学習者にとって有効なのかを検討する。
Course description:
The aim of the course is to introduce the essentials of research analysis. This is largely a practical course designed to develop an understanding of what statistics are most frequently employed in SLA research and how to use computer programs to analyse different types of data.
Note: only a knowledge of basic mathematics is required.
学修目標 The objectives of this course are to introduce the students to the basic constructs that underlie quantitative and qualitative research paradigms as applied in the field of second language acquisition and foreign language education research. By the end of the course students will be able to read and understand research literature that describes studies that employ the most common types of analysis used in the fields. Students will also be able to construct a basic piece of research and apply appropriate analytic methods to the research. They will be able to use the statistics program, SPSS, to analyse data and use the output to write a research report incorporating the data.
講義計画 Course Plan:
The course is divided into 4 sections as follows.

Part I covers the basic principles of SLA research focusing on a definition of research; defining and operationalizing variables; defining and coding date.(2 classes)

Part II deals with the basic principles that underlie statistical analysis. The main focus is on types of date; the concept of scores, and how probability relates to statistical analysis.(3 classes)

Part III is an extensive review of the most common methods of statistical analysis for SLA research. The methods coverd are T-test; One-way ANOVA; Factorial ANOVA; correlation; linear and multiple regression, and factor analysis.(7 classes)

Part IV is made up of hands-on sessions to learn how to use the statistical analysis program, SPSS.(2 classes)
評価方法 Method of evaluation:
The course evaluation will include continuous assessment of any work produced and a research project report to be submitted at the end of the course.
テキスト Reference book:
To be announced