
FERRER Joaquin
副題 環境倫理と企業の社会的責任(Environmental Ethics and CSR)
授業概要 This course aims to heighten students’ awareness of environmental issues and to provide basic knowledge of significant ethical theories and socio-economic frameworks related with the environment, focusing on “corporate social responsibility”(CSR). Classes will be conducted both in Japanese and in English.
学修目標 1.To develop greater awareness of ethical issues associated with the environment, business, and society.
        2.To develop deeper understanding of the ethical theories and frameworks that corporations and managers can employ when dealing with environmental problems and dilemma.
授業計画   1.Orientation and Course Overview
  2.Creative Evolution: when religion meets science
3−4.What is environmental ethics? (traditional and current ethical theories on the environment)
5−6.“Corporate Social Responsibility”(CSR: 企業の社会的責任)and Stakeholder Management(利害
7−8.Strategic Management and Utilitarian-Consequentialist Approach: CBA(費用便益分析)and TBL
  9.Compliance and Global Compact(グローバル・コンパクト)
10−11.Justice, Rights and Sustainable Environment
  12.Class Presentation
  13.Class Presentation
  14.Final Lecture
評価方法 Attendance and active in-class participation (30%), short written assignments (30%),
and final individual, or group, presentation and report (40%).
テキスト 毎回授業プリント資料を配布し、視聴覚資料も使用する。

Selected References:
Carroll, Archie B., and Buchholtz, Ann K. Business and Society. Ethics and Stakeholder Management. Mason, Ohio:Thomson South-Western, 2003.
DesJardins, Joseph R. Environmental Ethics. Fourth Edition. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth, 2006.
Ferrer, Joaquin Jr. Globalization: Ethical Evaluations and Implications for Corporate Social Responsibility of Transnational Corporations. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest and Information Learning Company, 2005.
Post, James E., Lawrence, Anne T., Weber, James. Business and Society. Corporate Strategy, Public Policy, Ethics. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2002.
Singer, Peter. One World. The Ethics of Globalization. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2002.
Audio-visual materials in Japanese and English

【その他】The instructor reserves the right to modify the course outline and method of evaluation depending on the pace, the needs, and the number of students. This class is collaborative. Students are expected to contribute to class content.