
FERRER, Joaquin 
他の科目との関連 経営倫理 1,2;基礎演習III
International Management A・B
他学科履修 不可
副題 Global Management and Ethical Leadership
授業概要 This management seminar will guide students on how to write a graduation paper on the subject of their interest related with global management and business ethical leadership. This seminar will, furthermore, assist students deepen and integrate their knowledge of and skills in management to be effective global managers and dignified ethical leaders in a complex and competitive global business environment. Relevant reference and audio-visual materials in both English and Japanese will supplement the students’ reading and research.
学修目標 演習I (1) To familiarize students with basic research methodologies and proper documentation, from collecting data to developing an outline and writing an initial draft of proposed graduation paper.
   (2) To heighten one’s knowledge and understanding of significant managerial concepts and strategies in international business.
   (3) To develop greater awareness and broader perspectives of diverse and complex ethical frameworks and issues in the business world.
演習II: To continuously revise, improve, and finish graduation thesis.
授業計画 演習I :
During the Spring semester, the students will learn more advanced library research methodologies and basic documentation. The students will also learn to deepen, broaden, reinforce, and integrate their knowledge of, and skills in management that they have so far learned during their first two years at Nanzan. In addition, students will also learn some ethical frameworks for international business and management, such as in marketing, management, finance, computer, and environment, among others. Initial proposed topics for graduation paper and selected references will be presented in class.
During the Fall semester, students will learn to properly document and write a graduation paper. Course content will be adjusted according to the students’ selected topics of interest in order to assist them develop a broader perspective on the subject. The students are expected to present and discuss with their classmates a general overview and initial draft of their proposed graduation paper.
演習II: Regular progress report and constant revision of working paper, and completion of graduation thesis.
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) 1. Readings will be assigned in class for active class participation.
2. Short assignments and other course requirements done outside of the classroom will be decided in consultation with the students.
評価方法 Students will be graded based on their attendance and class participation, short assignments, regular progress reports, presentations, and final graduation paper.
テキスト Selected References: 参考文献
Boatright, John (2009) Ethics and the Conduct of Business. Sixth Edition.
Ferrer, Joaquin Jr. (2005) Globalization: Ethical Evaluations and Implications for Corporate Social Responsibility of Transnational Corporations
Hill, Charles W.L. (2007) International Business. Competing in the Global Marketplace.
Nikkei Business Weekly
Northhouse, Peter G. (2007) Leadership. Theory and Practice. Sage Publications, Inc
Robbins, Stephen P and Mary Coulter. (2009) Management. Tenth Edition.
Turabian, Kate L. (1996) A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, Dissertations. Sixth Edition.
河野哲也 『レポート・論文の書き方入門』 慶應義塾大学出版会 第三版、2008年。
Reading materials will be announced or distributed in class.

Selected Audio-Visual Materials:
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005)
Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price (2005)
CBS News Presents: Corporate Scandals (2007)
An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
その他 The seminar director reserves the right to modify the course outline and manner of evaluation depending on the pace, needs, and number of students. This class is collaborative. Students are required to contribute actively to class content.