
副題 European Legal History
授業概要 European Legal Culture from the Late Roman Empire to the French Revolution
学修目標 Starting from the crisis of modern codifications we will look at how law developed from the time of Justinian to the French Revolution. On one side, the ongoing process of globalization has certainly undermined the absolutistic pretense of modern codifications to be the only applicable law in any country. On the other side, the rediscovery of local autonomy and custom have also eroded the grasp modern codifications had on social life. The focus will be on the tension between the local and the universal aspect of law. Last but not least, one of the purposes of this course is to expose them to a full academic lecture in English
授業計画 1)Emergence, crisis and collapse of the national codification
2)Empire and Church after Constantine
3)The Justinianic codification
4)The barbarian invasions: The Lombards
5)The origins of the feudal system
6)The early (Preirnerian) schools of law
7)Irnerius and Bologna: The beginning of the universities
8)The early thirteenth century: Pillius and Accursius
9)Canon Law I
10)Canon Law II
11)The age of the commentators: Bartolus and Baldus
12)The system of the ius commune (common law)
13)Legal humanism: A new science of Roman law
14)Toward the modern codifications
15)Final exam
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) Read: J.P.Dawson, The Oracles of Law
評価方法 Participation (20%), presentation (30%) and The French Example final report (50%).
テキスト The text of the lectures and other material will be distributed in electronic format.
M. Lupoi, The Origins of the European Legal Order (Cambridge, 1999)
M. Bellomo, The Common Legal past of Europe (Washington D.C., 1995)
J. A. Brundage, Medieval Canon Law (London, 1995)
P. Stein, Roman Law in European History (Cambridge, 1999)
その他 All the classes will be conducted in English. For class discussion, presentations by the students, and final report Japanese will be used.