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This course reviews the fundamentals of composition, standard English grammar, punctuation, and style. The course develops college-level reading, writing, and thinking skills. It covers practical writing skills such as generating and focusing ideas for essays, composing drafts, and polishing (revising and editing) drafts to critical thinking skills such as analysis, argumentation, and persuasion.


‚PDTo improve the studentsfacademic writing ability

‚QDTo think critically, reflect seriously and then articulate those thoughts on a variety of topics in a succinct and clear way


‚PDIntroduction / Diagnostic Writing

‚QDReview of paragraph organization

‚RDDescriptive paragraph

‚SDEssay 1

‚TDBrainstorming and outlining

‚UDDeveloping your ideas

‚VDExample paragraph

‚WDEssay 2

‚XDEditing your writing

10DBuilding better grammar

11DComparison paragraph

12DEssay 3

13DBuilding better vocabulary

14DArgumentative paragraph

15DReview for final exam

16DFinal exam


Students will also be expected to keep a notebook of vocabulary and expressions which will be quizzed.


Attendance 10%, Quizzes 10%, Essays 60%, Final Exam 20%


None. Handouts will be provided.

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Attendance: Students are expected to attend class regularly. Students who miss 4 classes will receive an F.