
科 目 名


期 間



担 当 者





Paul D.



Students are provided with a number of ways of analysing and understanding messages. Each approach works from a different perspective: style, symbols, structure and rhetoric. While studying the approaches, students learn to apply them to practical examples. Finally, students choose a text of their own to analyse in a final project.


1.To give students a set of basic tools for analysing the methods and meanings of the forms of public discourse they encounter in their daily lives.

2.To enable students to use simplified forms of communication theory, semiotics, and discourse analysis to gain more control over their language environment.


1.Introduction to the course; basic concepts

2.Communication, ambiguity

3.Critical thinking; communicative purpose

4.Style; external style

5.Style; language characteristics

6.Signifiers; how meaning is transmitted

7.Signifiers; use of symbolism

8.Structure; organisation & editing

9.Structure; story

10Rhetoric; logos

11Rhetoric; ethos

12Rhetoric; pathos

13Final project workshop

14Final project workshop

15Revision and review

16.定期試験(Paper test AND hand in final project


Students are expected to read the print they receive in each class, and be read to ask questions about any parts that are not understood in the next class. In addition there are ten exercises to be completed for homework.


Attendance and participation in the class: 10%. Homework exercises: 30%. Final test: 20%. Final project: 40%.


Prints will be provided by the instructor.