
科 目 名


期 間



担 当 者





David E. Kluge

【副  題】 Expressing Yourself and Persuading Others

【授業概要】 In this course students will learn and practice skills necessary for giving speeches.

         They will also learn and practice skills necessary for debate.

【学修目標】 1. Learn the language and skills for giving speeches.

        2. Practice speeches.

        3. Present speeches

        4. Learn the language and skills for debating.

        5. Practice a debate.

               6. Present a debate.

【授業計画】 1. Introduction to the course, Introduction to speech, Unit 1 Informative Speech

               2. Practice Informative Speech

               3. Present Informative Speech

               4. Unit 2, Unit 3 Demonstration Speech

               5. Practice Demonstration Speech

               6. Present Informative Speech

               7. Unit 4, Unit 5, Unit 6 Discussion Preparation

               8. Unit 7, Unit 8, Discussion Preparation and Practice

               9. Discussion Presentation

               10. Introduction to Debate. Prepare Debate

               11. Practice Debate Skills. Prepare Debate

               12. Practice Debate Skills. Prepare Debate

               13. Practice Debate

               14. Practice Debate

               15. Present Debate

               16. Present Debate

(準備学習等)】 Students must prepare and practice speeches and debates.

【評価方法】 Grades will be based on the following: Particicipation 10%, Homework 10%

              Speech Presentations 40% (2 speeches X 20%), Discussion 20%, Debate 20%

【テキスト】 Speaking of Speech, Harrington and LeBeau, Macmillan Language House. 