
科 目 名


期 間



担 当 者








The class work will be divided into two sections every week and through selected Bible passages, Bible stories and other Christian literature, students will work individually, in pairs and groups to discuss the readings. The class work will include both intensive ( in class, selected passages) and extensive( outside of class selected topics for pleasure reading) reading. These activities will be done through reports( like book report) and Literature reading circles.


The focus in this class will be placed on the non-denominational interpretation study of the Bible as the inspired Word of God and the Bible as an historical best selling book. To help students:

--Understand that the Bible is God’s powerful word.

--Understand why Christians interpret the world’s philosophical and ethical teachings in light of the Bible as God’s written Word.

--Understand Christian worldview and how Biblical principles can apply to people’s daily life.


1.Introduction to class procedures

2.What is the Bible―Old and New Testament

3.Genesis 1-3

4.Romans 1-2

5.Noah Genesis 6-8

6.Abraham Genesis 12

7.Joseph /Moses Exodus


9.Gospel – Birth of Jesus

10Gospel- Story- Prodigal Son

11Gospel Story – Unfaithful ruler

12Gospel Story―Passion of the Christ

13Acts- Paul and the Church

14Revelation― The Tribulation

15Revelation-- the end of the world

16.定期試験 Written Exam


Students will be required to read other Christian literature and watch Christian movies as part of homework. Students’ in-class group activities will take up 70% of the time, the teacher expects students to work hard, be self-independent and set high standard goals for their academic learning.


Attendance and active participation 40 points. Reading reports 20 points. Literature Reading Circles 20 points. Final Exam 20 points



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Teacher can be contacted by e-mail littlfox@nanzan-u.ac.jp or in person at the office