
履修対象学科 法律学科
授業概要 This course will help students improve their overall ability to use spoken English for communication. Classes will include a variety of exercises and activities to help students become more confident and proficient speakers of English. Activities include the following: pair-work, small group discussion, interviews, role-plays, individual presentations, group projects, and audiotape and video activities. Students will also develop their vocabulary and phrases to discuss a wide range of topics, listening comprehension ability, and pronunciation.
学修目標 1.Use conversation strategies to start, maintain, and conclude conversations
2.Talk about daily routines and personal topics
3.Identify and use vocabulary for specific topics as well as for everyday functions
4.Make a short 3-4 minute presentation
5.Maintain a conversation in pairs or small groups for at least 3-5 minutes
6.Gain confidence in communicating in English
授業計画 1.Introduction, syllabus, self-introductions
2.Unit 1: Asking and answering personal questions, reporting information
3.Unit 2: Nostalgia, talking about past events
4.Short presentations on family, using verbal cues to extend a conversation
5.Unit 3: School, giving opinions, making comparisons
6.Short presentations, agreeing and disagreeing expressions
7.Review of units 1-3
8.Recorded paired conversations to transcribe, edit and reflect
9.Unit 4: Culture, describing objects
10.Short presentations, asking for more information
11.Unit 5: Travel, talking about future plans
12.Short presentations, asking for giving advice
13.Unit 6: News media, talking about routines, preferences
14.Short presentations, verbal cues to show surprise, responding to good/bad news
15.Review of units 4-6, Final report (Due date to be announced in class)
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) Students will be expected to prepare note cards for short presentations and short pairwork conversations. Students will also be expected to keep a notebook of vocabulary and expressions which will be quizzed.
評価方法 Participation 10% Vocabulary quizzes 10%
Homework 10% Presentations/Timed conversations 45%
Final Report 25%
テキスト Gear Up 2, Macmillan
その他 Attendance: Students are expected to attend class regularly. Students who miss 4 classes will receive an F. Students who fail to turn in the final report by the deadline will receive an X.