
伊藤 実里
履修対象学科 法律学科
授業概要 The purpose of this class is to provide students with a variety of reading strategies to improve reading proficiency and promote a positive attitude for and competence in reading in English. Activities will include both extensive and intensive reading tasks using a variety of text for improving student skills in predicting, skimming, scanning, inferring and making connections with the readings.
学修目標 1.Scan a text for specific information
2.Identify the main idea and supporting details
3.Preview and make predictions
4.Read and understand designated texts at 80-100 words per minute
5.Guess the meanings of words from context
6.Read, understand and discuss graded readers (levels 2-3) without using a dictionary and are able to summarize stories, identify important passages, connect the readings with their own lives
授業計画 1.Introduction
2.Unit 1 Beauty
3.Unit 1 Beauty
4.Unit 2 Travel
5.Unit 2 Travel
6.Unit 3 Lying
7.Unit 4 Hoaxes
8.Review and mid-term
9.Unit 8 The mind
10.Unit 8 The mind
11.Unit 9 Entrepreneurs
12.Unit 9 Entrepreneurs
13.Unit 10 Technology
14.Unit 10 Technology
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) Students will be expected to formulate a graphic organizer for an assigned unit of the textbook to show their understanding of the text. They will also have a book to read outside classes every three weeks. They are
expected to fill in a reading worksheet for each book in order to prepare for its discussion in class and a book review test.
評価方法 Participation: 10%
Graphic organizers: 40% (10 x4) Mid-term and final: 50% (25+25)
テキスト Cover to Cover 3, Oxford University Press
Graded readers
その他 Attendance: Students are expected to attend class regularly. Students who miss 4 classes will receiver an F.