
MILES Richard
履修対象学科 人類文化学科、心理人間学科、日本文化学科
授業概要 The purpose of this course is to provide students with a variety of reading strategies to improve their reading proficiency, comprehension and confidence. Activities will include extensive and intensive reading tasks using a variety of texts and utilizing skills such as surveying, predicting, skimming, scanning, inferring, recognizing biases, making connections and responding to what has been read.
学修目標 1.Improving reading speed
2.Improving comprehension through predicting, summarizing and discussing
3.Using strategies to guess vocabulary meaning from context
4.Identifying the authorユs bias and responding to it
5.Being able to infer additional information from the text
6.Being able to distinguish facts from opinions
7.Read, understand and discuss graded readers (OUP level 3 or higher) from a literary
8.To develop an appreciation of reading
授業計画 1.Course overview, syllabus and Unit 6: Mystery tours, pp. 82-86
2.Unit 7: Successful dieting, pp. 103-107
3.Unit 7: Survival at the South Pole, pp. 109-113
4.Unit 8: Human adaption to Space, pp. 116-120
5.Reading circle and vocabulary quiz #1
6.Unit 8: Pioneers of flight, pp. 121-124 and reading out loud
7.Unit 9: Is an only child a lonely child?, pp. 128-132
8.Unit 9: Changing roles: stay-at-home dads, pp. 133-137
9.Unit 10: Homeschooling − a better way to learn, pp. 150-154
10.Graded reader presentation and vocabulary quiz #2
11.Unit 11: The mystery of memory, pp. 161-165
12.Unit 12: Zorro: A review, pp. 174-178
13.Unit 12: From comic books to graphic novels, pp. 179-183
14.Reading for fun and vocabulary quiz #3
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) Students will be expected to read graded readers on a weekly basis, as well as preparing for periodic presentations, and vocabulary quizzes.
評価方法 Homework 15%, Participation (English effort) 20%,
Reading Circle 10%, Vocabulary quizzes 15%, Reader presentation 10%,
Reading journal and Final report 30%
テキスト Active Skills for Reading: Book 3, Thomson & Heinle
その他 Attendance: Students are expected to attend class regularly. Students who miss 4 classes will receive an F. Students who fail to submit their Final report or Reading journal by the deadline will receive an X.