
履修対象学科 人類文化学科、心理人間学科、日本文化学科
授業概要 This course provides students with a variety of reading strategies to improve reading proficiency and promote a positive attitude for and competence in reading in English. Activities will include both extensive and intensive reading tasks using a variety of texts for improving student skills in surveying, predicting, skimming, scanning, inferring, and making connections with the readings.
学修目標 1.Scan a text for specific information
2.Identify the main idea and supporting ideas of a paragraph or text
3.Preview an English text and make predictions about it
4.Read and understand designated texts at 80 − 100 words per minute
5.Read, understand and discuss graded readers
6.Guess the meanings of words from context
授業計画 1.Second Semester Orientation
2.Survival at Sea p. 86 − 89 (Finding main ideas in paragraphs) Graded reader discussion
3.An Unlikely Friendship p. 90 − 93 (Predicting the topic) Vocabulary test one
4.The Thin Line Between Beauty and Health p. 99 − 103 (Recognizing points of view)
5.Just Ask! p.104 − 107 (Scanning) News discussion
6.Understanding Ourselves p. 113 − 117 (Recognizing reference words)
7.Happy People p. 118 − 121 (Skimming for the main idea) Vocabulary test two
8.Mid-term Review
9.The Camel Library p. 127 − 131 (Identifying meaning from context)
10.A Living Legend p. 132 − 135 (Predicting the Topic) Graded reader discussion
11.A Lesson Learned p. 141 − 145 (Recognizing points of view) Vocabulary test three
12.An Amazing Athlete p. 146 − 149 (Ignoring unknown words) News discussion
13.UFOユs: Are They Out There? p. 155 − 159 (finding main ideas in paragraphs)
14.A Ticket to Outer Space p. 160 − 163 (Recognizing signal words) Graded reader discussion
15.Course Review, Vocabulary test four
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) Students are expected to select and read graded readers outside class, to keep a record of each book they read on the class blog, to maintain a vocabulary notebook, and to select authentic news articles for class discussion.
評価方法 Class Discussions 25%, Vocabulary Tests 20%, Reading Record 25%, Final Report 30%
テキスト Cover to Cover 1 Oxford University Press
その他 Students are expected to attend class regularly. Students who miss 4 classes will receive an F. Students who fail to turn in the final report by the deadline will receive an X.
Students are required to bring the textbook, a graded reader and their vocabulary notebook to every class. Students are also expected to access their university email accounts regularly.