
島 禎子
履修対象学科 人類文化学科、心理人間学科、日本文化学科
授業概要 The purpose of this class is to improve students, reading skills in English. In this class, they will learn a variety of reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, scanning, and inferring through both intensive and extensive tasks.
学修目標 Improve reading speed
1.Use strategies to guess meaning from context
2.Make predictions about a text
3.Skim and scan for key information
4.Identify main ideas and supporting details from a text
5.Read, understand, and discuss graded readers (at approximately OUP Level 1 or higher)
授業計画 1.Introduction, Syllabus
2.Unit 7: Survival After Eight Days at Sea, pp. 86-89
3.Unit 7: An Unlikely Friendship, pp. 90-98
4.Unit 8: The Thin Line Between Beauty and Health, pp. 100-103
5.Unit 8: Just Ask! pp. 104-112
6.Unit 9: Understanding Ourselves, pp. 114-117
7.Unit 9: Happy People, pp. 118-126
8.Unit 10: The Camel Library, pp. 128-131
9.Unit 10: A Living Legend? pp. 132-140
10.Unit 11: A lesson Learned, pp.142-145
11.Unit 11: An Amazing Athlete, pp. 146-154
12.Unit 12: UFOs: Are They Out There? pp. 156-159
13.Unit 12: A Ticket to Outer Space, pp. 160-168
14.Group discussion
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) Students will be expected to read four to five graded readers outside of class, prepare graded readers reports, and study vocabulary from a list that is provided by the instructor.
評価方法 Participation 10% Graded readers reports 20%
Vocabulary quizzes 20% Final Exam 50%
テキスト Cover to Cover 1, Oxford Publishing
その他 Attendance: Students are expected to attend class regularly. Students who miss 4 classes will receive F.