
酒井 美納江
履修対象学科 スペイン・ラテンアメリカ学科、フランス学科、ドイツ学科
授業概要 Students will read the textbook using reading strategies more independently. Based upon the knowledge and information gained from the textbook and other sources, they will write a research report and give a short presentation on the researched topic. In addition, they will read graded readers to improve their reading fluency.
学修目標 1.Read and understand intellectually challenging reading selections
2.Use reading strategies more independently
3.Improve reading speed
授業計画 1. Syllabus, Essay writing intro., etc.
2. Unit 10: Two Points of View, pp. 188-1899,
3. Unit 10: Charts, pp. 192-194Unit 4: Different Ways of Talking, pp. 62-64
4. Unit 4: Gender Differences in Language, pp. 60-61, Book Report #1
5. Reading Quiz #1, Unit 4: Speaking of Gender, pp. 67-68, Story Selection #2
6. Unit 6: The Metamorphosis, pp.102 - 104
7. Unit 6: The Metamorphosis, pp.102 ? 104, Book Report #2
8. Unit 6: Ungeziefer, pp. 107-108
9. Reading Quiz (2), Story Selection #3
10. Unit 7: The Amish, pp. 124-125
11., Unit 7: A Decision to Leave, pp. 128-129, Book Report #3
12. Unit9: Our Climate Is Changing, p. 167-1168
13. Unit 9: Climate Change: Making Informed Decisions, pp. 171-172, Research Report
14. Reading Quiz #3
15. Research Presentation, Book Report #4
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) Students will be expected to read graded readers outside of class and write short books reports. Preparation for the next class will be assigned at every lesson.
評価方法 Reading Quiz → 30%, Research Report and Presentation → 30%, Books Reports → 30%, Participation → 10%
テキスト North Star: Reading and Writing Level 3, third edition, Pearson Longman
その他 Attendance: Students are expected to attend class regularly. Students who miss 4 classes will receive an F.