
大竹 万里
履修対象学科 経済学科
授業概要 The purpose of this class is to improve your reading skills. In class students will focus on comprehension and fluency reading strategies and building and expanding vocabulary knowledge through practicing Intensive Reading (IR) and Extensive Reading (ER). Students will be encouraged to read graded readers for fluency and pleasure outside of class. In class students will have “after-reading” activities.
学修目標 Improve reading proficiency and promote a positive attitude toward reading in English
1.Scan a text for specific information
2.Identify the main idea and supporting ideas of a paragraph or text
3.Guess the meaning of words from context
4.Preview an English text and make predictions about it
5.Read, understand and discuss graded readers without using a dictionary
授業計画 1.Orientation, Introduction to online reading materials
2.Unit 7 Survival After Eight Days at Sea, ER 6, Vocabulary Test Unit 6
3.Unit 7 An Likely Friendship, ER 7, ER Story sharing
4.Unit 8 The Thin Line Between Beauty and Health, Vocabulary Test Unit 7
5.Unit 8 Just Ask! ER 8 Reflection
6.Vocabulary Test Unit 8, Breaking News English
7.Reflection, Mid-Term Test
8.Unit 9 Understanding Ourselves, Vocabulary Test Unit 9
9.Unit 9 Happy People, “The Things You Can Tell Just by Looking at Her”
10.Unit 10 Learning In America, Vocabulary Test Unit 9, ER Story sharing
11.Unit 10 The Camel Library, ER 9
12.Vocabulary Test Unit 10, ER 10, Breaking News English
13.Unit 11 A Lesson Learned
14.Unit 11 An Amazing Athlete, ER 11
15.Vocabulary Test Unit 11, Online reading materials
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) Students are expected to choose either 2 stories (at Level 2 or higher) or 4 stories (at Level 1) from graded readers and write book reviews in a Class Book that is provided by the instructor.
評価方法 Class performance 10%, Class Book 20%, Vocabulary Test 20%, Mid-Term Test 20%, Final Test 30%
テキスト Cover to Cover 1 (Oxford University Press)
その他 Students are expected to bring the textbook, Log Book and dictionary to class. The Class Book will be collected and checked twice a semester. Attendance is important. Students who miss 4 classes will receive an F.