
佐藤 ゆかり
履修対象学科 法律学科
授業概要 This course provides students with a variety of reading strategies to improve reading proficiency and promote a positive attitude for and competence in reading in English. Activities will include both extensive and intensive reading tasks using a variety of texts for improving students for improving student skills in surveying, predicting, skimming, scanning, inferring, and making connections with the readings.
学修目標 *Develop useful reading, vocabulary-building, and critical thinking skills
*Preview and English text and make predictions about it
*Scan a text for specific information
*Identify the main idea of a paragraph or text
*Read, understand a variety of authentic sources and discuss about the content
*Read faster and more fluently (Extensive Reading)
*Extensive Reading 5 books
授業計画 第1講 シラバス説明とextensive reading story(6)
第2講 Unit8 Part1 extensive story(6)
第3講 Unit8 Part2 extensive story(6)
第4講 Unit9 Part1 extensive story(7) mini quiz Unit 8
第5講 Unit9 Part2 extensive story(7)
第6講 Unit10 Part1 extensive story(7) mini quiz Unit 9
第7講 Unit10 Part2 extensive story(8)
第8講 Unit11 Part1 extensive story(8) mini quiz Unit 10
第9講 Unit11 Part2 extensive story(8)
第10講 Unit12 Part1 extensive story(9) mini quiz Unit 11
第11講 Unit12 Part2 extensive story(9)
第12講 Unit13 Part1 extensive story(9) mini quiz Unit 12
第13講 Unit13 Part2 extensive story(10)
第14講 Unit14 Part1 extensive story(10) mini quiz Unit 13
第15講 Unit14 Part2 extensive story(10)
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) Students have to read extensive reading story that are assigned for the week and fill out the worksheet. They are expected to report about their reading in the following lesson.
評価方法 Mini quiz (test) = 25%
Extensive Reading Report = 30%
Final Exam = 25%
Participation = 20%
テキスト Cover to Cover (1) By Oxford University Press
その他 Attendance: Students are expected to attend class regularly. Students who miss 4 classes
will receive an F. Students who fail to turn in the final report by the deadline will receive
an X.