
履修対象学科 経営学科
授業概要 This course will help students develop their writing ability in English. Classes will include a variety of writing tasks, such as sentence-combining activities, self and peer editing, free writing, grammar study, letters, emails, paragraphs and short essays. Each student will submit a portfolio at the end of the semester.
学修目標 1.Use a variety of pre-writing techniques such as lists and mind-maps
2.Write both formal and informal letters
3.Write a unified and developed paragraph (150 words +) on a general or personal topic
4.Write a multi-paragraph essay (300 words +) on a general or personal topic
5.Use the conventions for specific writing genres such as narration, description, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, evaluation and persuasion etc
6.Understand basic vocabulary associated with writing
7.Write basic sentence patterns with coordination and subordination with accuracy
8.Recognize and use transitional cues
9.Follow basic typing conventions
授業計画 1.Introductions and Orientation
2.Research Survey (Pre-writing p. 61 — 65) Classification, concluding paragraphs, first draft one
3.Editing (p. 68 - 69) Commas, second draft one
4.The Power Interview (pre-writing p. 71 - 75) Comparing and contrasting, first draft two
5.Editing (p. 78 - 79) Giving advice, second draft two
6.Review activities
7.Personal Goals (pre-writing p. 81 - 85) Sentence transitions, first draft three
8.Editing (p. 88 - 90) Incomplete sentences, second draft three
9.Architect (Pre-writing p. 91 - 95) Organizing ideas, topics and sub-topics, first draft four
10.Editing (p. 98 - 99) articles (a, an, the), second draft four
11.Review activities
12.My Role Models (Pre-writing p. 101 - 105) Linking paragraphs, first draft five
13.Editing (p. 107 - 108) Linking paragraphs, second draft five
14.Portfolio Review
15.Course Review
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) Students are expected to produce written work at home based on class study, to correct drafts and build a portfolio over the semester.
評価方法 Class Performance 20%, Second Drafts 50%, Final Portfolio 30%
テキスト Writing from Within, Cambridge University Press
その他 Students are expected to attend class regularly. Students who miss 4 classes will receive an F. Students who fail to turn in the final report by the deadline will receive an X. Students are required to bring the textbook and a free writing notebook to class every week.