
島 禎子
履修対象学科 経営学科
授業概要 The purpose of this class is to improve students, writing skills in English. The following will be included: sentence-combining activities, grammar lessons, writing formal letters, well-organized essays of 300-350 words.
学修目標 Improve writing skills
1.Use a variety of pre-writing techniques
2.Write formal letters
3.Write a multiple-paragraph essay (300-350 words) on a general or personal topic
4.Use conventions for specific writing genres such as description, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, evaluation and persuasion, etc
5.Understand basic vocabulary associated with writing e.g. thesis, paragraph, topic sentence)
6.Recognize and use transitional clues
7.Follow basic typing conventions
授業計画 1.Introduction, Syllabus
2.Unit6: Process; Planning a one-day tour, The basic structure of an essay
3.Unit6: Process; Peer editing, Turn in a first draft
4.Unit6; Process; Turn in a final draft
5.Unit7; Classification: Writing a research survey
6.Unit7: Classification; Peer editing, Turn in a first draft
7.Unit7: Classification; Turn in a final draft
8.A Persuasive Essay; Expressing your opinion
9.A Persuasive Essay; Peer editing, Turn in a first draft
10.A Persuasive Essay; Turn in a final draft
11.Unit9: Facts and examples; Telling your future
12.Unit9: Facts and examples; Peer editing, Turn in a first draft
13.Unit9: Facts and examples; Turn in a final draft
14.Writing formal letters
15.Writing formal letters
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) Students are expected to turn in 4 multiple-paragraph essays and 1 formal letter.
評価方法 Participation : 10%    First / Final Drafts : 45%
Other writing tasks : 20% Final Portfolio : 25%
テキスト Writing from Within (Cambridge Publishing)
その他 Attendance: Students are expected to attend regularly. Students who miss 4 classes will receive F. Students who fail to turn in the final portfolio will fail the class.