
ISHIGE Gloria Emiye
授業概要 The goal of this course will be to give students the opportunity to improve the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) for better everyday communication. Through individual, pair and group-work activities, students will build their confidence to use English more fluently and with accuracy. Students will engage in group conversations on the different weekly journal topics written outside of class. Current issues will be used to develop reading skills and gain both oral and written critical thinking skills. Audio and video-taped materials will be used for listening practice and modeling for daily conversation practice. In addition, students will sing songs to learn how to link sounds.
学修目標 1. Use the four English skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in everyday communication.
2. Read/listen short passages of 200-300 words and summarize them in written form or orally.
3. Recognize and use vocabulary and simple grammar structures such as relative clauses (subject), may, might, could, can,t and must, past continuous, used to, etc. in written/oral form.
4. Write short paragraphs of 100-150 words and retell them.
5. Talk about interests and daily routines for 3-5 minutes.
授業計画 1. Syllabus, learning survey, self-introduction
2. Unit 7: Stores and things to buy, making complaints, too /not enough; too many / too much; flash report
3. Unit 7:  〃
4. Unit 8: Appearance and personality, describing preferences, relative clauses (subject); flash report; song
5. Unit 8:  〃
6. Unit 9: Accidents and injuries, telling stories, the past continuous; flash report
7. Unit 9:  〃
8. Review Units 7-9
9. Unit 10: Animals features, making speculations ; may, might, could, can,t and must; flash report; song
10. Unit 10:  〃
11. Unit 11: School activities, talking about past habits, used to; flash report
12. Unit 11:  〃
13. Unit 12: Places to live, explaining possibilities, if clause (first conditional); flash report; song
14. Unit 12:  〃
15. Review Units 10-12
NOTE: There will be a test after every unit.
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) (1) You will prepare a Flash Report every week. You will write about 50 words on any topic of preference, for example, a food shop, the weekend, a social event, something that happened in the neighborhood, in
 Japan, or in the world.
(2) There will be other assignments.
評価方法 1. Participation / Preparation 40%
2. Tests 30%     3. Final test 30%
テキスト Smart Choice 2, Oxford University Press
その他 Attendance: Students are expected to attend class regularly. Students who miss 4 classes will receive an F.