
授業概要 In this course students will learn both how to create and prepare for a presentation and how to actually deliver the presentation. Students will learn how to develop ideas, how to organise their ideas, how to create visual aids to support those ideas, and how to structure a presentation. Students will learn how to use their body and voice, how to use visual aids and how to interact with the audience.
学修目標 1. The ability to give a 5- to 10-minute presentation in English on an academic topic.
2. The ability to critically reflect on one,s presentation.
3. Gain confidence in speaking formally in public.
4. Learn to prepare effectively for a presentation.
5. Learn language useful for presentations.
授業計画 1. Introduction; What is a presentation?
2. Unit 1: The introduction to a presentation
3. Unit 1: Nerves
4. Unit 2: Signposting
5. Class presentations: My future
6. Brainstorming and developing ideas
7. Types of explanation
8. Unit 3: Creating visuals
9. Unit 4: Using visuals
10. Unit 4: Talking about trends
11. Rhetorical strategies
12. Class presentations: An issue in the news
13. Unit 5: The conclusion
14. Unit 6: Dealing with questions
15. Review and reflections
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) Students will be expected to prepare for two presentations during the semester as well as the final presentation. Students will also complete readings on presentations skills and prepare short introductions to
those readings.
評価方法 Participation = 20 percent
Class presentations = 30 percent   Book talks = 20 percent
Final presentation = 30 percent
テキスト English for Presentations by M. Grussendorf (Oxford University Press)
その他 Attendance is important. Students who miss 4 classes will receive an F.