
松永 隆
他学科履修 不可
副題 Learning how to learn: Technology and modern conveniences
授業概要  The course offers a variety of opportunities for students to explore different ways of learning which may be suitable for particular tasks according to individual learning style preferences. At times students will complete surveys to find their perceptual and cognitive style preferences and apply the unique findings to their second language studies. Students taking the course will be introduced to a range of ways to exploit the Internet and modern conveniences for their own learning. In every session students are requested participate in group / pair work discussion or make short presentations in class.
学修目標  The goal of the course is for students to be aware of their own learning styles, use their strengths for their language studies, and improve their weaknesses for future studies. They will also learn how to make the use of modern conveniences for their second language studies.
授業計画 1.  Introduction
2.  Learner autonomy
3.  Technology and language learning: modern conveniences
4.  Technology and language learning: Internet resources
5.  Technology and language learning: : use of mailing list services
6.  Social networking sites of the Internet
7-9.Language learning and Internet resources
10-11.BBC English learning
12-13.CNN Student News Site
14.  You are in charge of your learning
15.  general review
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) Students are expected to read the materials in advance and prepare to participate in discussions in small groups. They should also be actively engaged in tasks set by the teacher.
評価方法 Studentsユ grades will be determined on the basis of participation(20%), short presentations in class (20%), journal writing (20%), and group project work (40%).
テキスト Handouts used