
他学科履修 不可
副題 Oral Communication for Business I
授業概要 This course offers students instruction and practice in the speaking and listening skills necessary for functioning in a business environment. In addition to pair work, group work, and role-play, the course may include more formal activities such as presentations and negotiations. There will be homework every week. We ask that students make their best effort to use as much English as possible in this class. Please come to class motivated and ready to use English.
学修目標 The goals of this course are to:
(a) Introduce students to the English that is used in business situations.
(b) Expand students' vocabulary, both for informal situations and for formal business situations.
(c) Improve students' fluency in spoken English and increase students' confidence in using English.
授業計画 Week 1:Introduction to course
Week 2:Unit 1 in textbook: Greeting visitors
       Greeting visitors who have just arrived in your country
       Greeting visitors to your office
       Small talk
Week 3:Unit 2 in textbook:
       Describing different kinds of companies
       Giving profiles of companies
Week 4:Unit 3 in textbook: Occupations
       Talking about jobs
       Talking about responsibilities
       Talking about abilities
Week 5:Unit 4 in textbook: Products
       Expressing needs
       Describing the features of products
       Describing the benefits of products
Week 6:Unit 5 in textbook: Comparing services
       Talking about business services
       Comparing business services
       Expressing your opinion
Week 7:Review of previous units
Week 8:Unit 7 in textbook: Messages
       Taking and leaving telephone messages
       Dealing with voicemail
Week 9:Unit 8 in textbook: Appointments
       Telephoning to make appointments
       Finding a suitable time
       Changing appointments
Week 10:Unit 9 in textbook: Meetings
       Organizing meetings and preparing agendas
       Taking an active part in meetings
Week 11:Review of previous units in textbook
Week 12:Unit 10 in textbook: Negotiating
       Bargaining in shops
       Business negotiations
Week 13:Unit 11 in textbook: Money
       Exchanging money and using numbers
       Exploring payment methods
Week 14:Unit 12 in textbook: Marketing
       Looking at marketing methods
       Talking about the benefits of Web-based marketing
Week 15:Review of previous units in textbook
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) There are three sections of this class. Different teachers will assign different kinds of homework.
評価方法 - Participation 40%
- Homework 30%
- Examinations 30%

The grading system will be explained further in the first class meeting.
テキスト Business Explorer 2
By Gareth Knight and Mark O'Neil
Cambridge University Press