
副題 Business Case Discussion in English
授業概要 In this class we will read and discuss a variety of business cases. A business case presents a problem that a businessperson is facing. Together, we will discuss the problem and the different ways to solve it. You will spend a large part of each class talking in small groups. Good attendance and active participation in English are extremely important. Please come to class ready and eager to use English. Enrollment is limited to 25 students.
* You do not need a business background in order to take this class.We welcome students from all Faculties(学部).
学修目標 The main goals of this class are to improve your English fluency and to expand your business English vocabulary. In addition, the class can help you develop the following important business skills:
* Problem-solving
* Team-work skills
* Skills of persuasion.
授業計画 Week 1 ─ Introduction to the course
Week 2 ─ Discussion: Business and culture
Week 3 ─ Business case: Hong Kong Disney land
Week 4 ─ Business case: Hong Kong Disney land (continued)
Week 5 ─ Discussion: Technology in business
Week 6 ─ Business case: NorthernPower
Week 7 ─ Business case: NorthernPower (continued)
Week 8 ─ Discussion: Sports marketing
Week 9 ─ Business case: Aurora Sports
Week 10 ─ Business case: Aurora Sports (continued)
Week 11 ─ Discussion: Boycott
Week 12 ─ Business case: Scandia Foods
Week 13 ─ Business case: Scandia Foods (continued)
Week 14 ─ Mini-case: Bullying in the workplace
Week 15 ─ Wrap-up and self-evaluations
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) For homework, students will be asked to read the cases. There will also be some take-home tests.
評価方法 a) Effort and participation: 50%
b) Tests: 30%
c) Final Exam: 20%
テキスト There is no textbook for this class.