
講義題目 宗教学
授業概要 In this course we will compare Buddhist and Christian meditational practices from a textual and religious studies perspective. Specifically, we will read Buddhist texts (the Short Manual of Tユien-tユai Contemplation 天台小止観), discuss the contents, and compare it with contemplative practices in the Christian tradition. First there will be lectures on the basic ideas and practices of Buddhism, and then we will examine and compare contemplative practices by reading the Buddhist text and discussing it while comparing it with Christian ideas and practices.
学修目標 The purpose of this course is to read and become familiar with Buddhist texts on contemplative practice and discuss them in comparison with Christianity. At the end of the semester the student will be required to choose a theme with which to compare the similarities and differences between the Buddhist and Christian traditions (specifically the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius), discuss it in class, and prepare a final written report. This class will be conducted in English. この授業は基本的に英語で行われます。
授業計画 Class schedule:
1.Introduction to Mahayana Buddhism
2.Introduction to the Chinese Tユien-tユai tradition
3.What is the Short Manual of Tユien-tユai Contemplation?
4−14.Reading the Short Manual of Tユien-tユai Contemplation
15.Reports and discussion
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) Class preparation: read ahead in the assigned text, prepare topic for final report
評価方法 Grading: class participation (30%) and final report (70%)
テキスト Texts:「現代語訳天台小止観」、関口真大訳
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
Handouts of English translation of Short Manual of Tユien-tユai Contemplation

NOTE: This class will be conducted in English. この授業は基本的に英語で行われます。