
POTTER, David M.
講義題目 21世紀におけるアメリカの政府開発援助
授業概要  In 2001 the United States reassumed its position as largest bilateral aid donor. The Bush administration attempted to reorganize the foreign aid program and reorient its purposes and policies to meet the challenges of the post Cold War international system. The Obama administration is set to change basic aid policies to include democracy and human rights. This course will survey those changes in light of long-standing foreign aid policies.
学修目標  In this course students will master key issues of current United States foreign aid policy, including use of aid as a foreign policy tool and an instrument of social and economic development.
授業計画 1.Introduction, key indicators of foreign aid
2.Defining United States foreign aid
3.Purposes of foreign aid
4.Administration of United States foreign aid
5.Comparing US and other donorsユ foreign aid (1)
6.Comparing US and other donorsユ foreign aid (2)
7.Foreign aid and the Bush administration
8.Foreign aid and the Bush administration
9.Foreign aid and the Bush administration
10.Establishing the Millennium Challenge Account
11.The Millennium Challenge Corporation in practice
12.Foreign aid and the Obama administration
13.Japanese foreign policy and United States foreign aid
14.Foreign Aid and the Obama Administration
15.Conclusion: post-Bush foreign aid
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) ■■■
評価方法 授業発表が40%、最終レポートが60%
テキスト Carol Lancaster, George Bushユs Foreign Aid. Center for Global Development, 2008; その他学術論文等。
その他 本科目は英語も日本語も両方使う。