




【単位数】1                    【配当年次】12    【開講期】秋学期


【副題】  国際経営の実践



This course is designed to help students understand how personnel management affects strategic and marketing considerations in international contexts.  The class will utilize situational analysis and lecture/discussion using primarily the case method.  In addition to classical personnel management theory and practice parameters, contextual issues will include a) the roles and responsibilities of headquarters versus local management, b) the composition and nature of top leadership, c) regulatory factors, d) cultural considerations, e) technology, f) political conditions, and g) the availability and utilization of external resources.



Students will be expected to share their experiences of both best and worst practices, and to develop strategies for either solving or managing challenging situations.  When students have completed this course, they will be able to better understand why personnel management structures exist, their origins, uses, and limitations, understand factors underlying dysfunction, and conceptualize ways to mitigate unfavorable situations.  They will be able to identify the warning signs of dysfunctional personnel management systems and develop strategies to intervene at an early stage. 



    1.    Course outline and group formation
    2.    Paradigm theory (video/discussion)
    3.    Behavior prediction (group exercise)
    4.    Embassy Africa I
    5.    Embassy Africa II
    6.    Eric & Hanako I
    7.    Eric & Hanako II
    8.    Wrap-up, course evaluation, self evaluation



Prior to each class, students will be required to read the cases and/or other materials in detail and conduct research on the background, operating environment, financial results, and outcomes of each situation studied (if available).


15% of the grade will be based on individual written reports of each case, submitted at the beginning of each Case Session I, summarizing the strategy of the organization involved, descriptions of the issues, problems, and outcomes.

15% of the grade will be based on group reports, submitted at the beginning of each Case Session II, expounding on and compiling the themes in the individual reports.

20% of the grade will be based on a final report.

50% of the grade will be based on in-class oral participation.









この科目の資料は主に英文だが、講義は日本語で行われる。 As a general rule, all cases will be the subject of two class sessions.  Session I will consist primarily of group discussions to allow the students to share personal knowledge and perceptions based on their individual backgrounds and experiences.   Session II will consist of a free group discussion among all students with the instructor acting as moderator.