
副題 Oral Presentation
授業概要 The main purpose of this course is to learn both linguistic and paralinguistic skills in Oral Presentation. Class activities will include lectures, skill learning, evaluating sample presentations, and do different types of presentations. The course will cover linguistic, as well as paralinguistic aspects of presentation, techniques, tools and equipments used in presentations.

Oral Presentation classes meet once a week. It is a 90-minute class, divided into a short lecture, skill learning activities, and practice. Students are expected to follow lectures and read materials all in English.

Oral presentation classes may include data gathering, small group discussions, making short reports and speeches, making visual aids, handling question and answer sessions, and evaluation. There is reading and writing homework for each class.
学修目標 The main goals of this course are:
1. skill development: linguistic and paralinguistic
2. critical thinking: understand causes and effects, express correlations and oppositions, offer appropriate solutions, and evaluation based on standard or set rules of judgement.
3. professional English: develop oral presentation skills and strategies. Learn to choose appropriate vocabularies for academic writing and public speaking purposes.
4. personality development: learm how to overcome stage-fright, voice modulation and projection, making eye contact, using appropriate gestures, handling comments and questions from the audience and appropriate attire.
授業計画 The course is divided into the following 15 weeks:
1. Introduction to the course, requirements, expectations and evaluation, interview a partner.
2. Assessing your skills, dealing with anxiety, introducing your partner.
3. Planning your presentation, deciding topic for the Final Oral Presentation.
4. Thesis Statement, group discussion, reporting results.
5. Evaluating sample presentations.
6. Voice modulation and projection, Eye Contact, Rhythm, Pronunciation and Intonation.
7. Developing and Using Visual Aids.
8. New Technology for Presentations: Equipments, software, posters.
9. Reporting using the Introduction of the Final Report.
10. Controlling the Presentation Environment.
11. Directing the audience's focus.
12. I landling question and answer session, dealing with hostile questions.
13. Reportion using the Data and Explanation of the Final Report.
14. Appropriate Gestures, Posture and Personal Appearance.
15. Rehearsal for the Final Presentation.
評価方法 Class activities 30%
Homework assignments 20%
Final Presentation 50% (Oral and written report)
テキスト Gentzler, Yvonne, S. 2004. Speaking and Presenting. Mason: South-Western Educational Publishing.
Other Reference Materials: Comfort, Jeremy. 2004.Effective Presentations.
Steve Mandel. 2000. Effective Presentation Skills.
Powell, Mark. 1996. Presenting in English.
I land-outs, audio, audio-visual materials, sample presentations of previous years.