
ISHIGE Gloria Emiye
佐藤 ゆかり
川村 陽子
JONES William
授業概要 This course will integrate the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in English. Classes will include a variety of exercises, activities, and methods to help students become more self-confident and proficient in all four skills.

学修目標 Students will develop skills for predicting, scanning, and summarizing from a variety of readings. Students will also develop skills for listening for gist, note-taking and dictation, and be able to respond to materials orally and in writing.

授業計画 A detailed syllabus that includes a weekly schedule will be provided by the instructor on the first day of class.

01805/01855 英語I,II 総合〈全〉1
This course will not only utilize the text book but will also incorporate material from various other sources such as newspapers, periodicals, film and the internet. The basic four skills of English language learning will be used to cover various themes holistically. Both objective and subjective analytical skills will be challenged. Supplementary material will be introduced with accordance to the suitability of the classroom dynamics. Students will be expected to share their views on topics brought up in class and be able to support them with sound reasoning both written and orally. These skills are necessary for proficient communication both inside and outside of Japan. By the end of the course it is hoped that students will be able to acquire and convey basic opinions in English. Students will do background reading, research topics, view film and documentary clips, engage in discussions, write reaction papers and make a final presentation on an area of their choice.

01806/01856 英語I,II 総合〈全〉2
01808/01858 英語I,II 総合〈全〉4
This course will focus on the four skills; speaking, listening, reading and writing. Students will practice and develop these skills in a variety of ways, with audio and video materials as well as written texts. By responding orally and in writing to English Language resources, students will link the skills together and consolidate language through integrated practice.
Students will also look at ways of improving their learning skills to become more efficient in their studies and more confident in using English.

ISHIGE Gloria Emiye
01807 /01857 英語I,II 総合〈全〉3
The goal of this course will be to give students the opportunity to improve the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) for better everyday communication. Through individual, pair and group-work activities, students will build their confidence to use English more fluently and with accuracy. Students will engage in group conversations on the different weekly journal topics written outside of class. Current issues will be used to develop reading skills and gain both oral and written critical thinking skills. Audio and video-taped materials will be used for listening practice and modeling for daily conversation practice. In addition, students will sing songs to learn how to link sounds.

佐藤 ゆかり
01809/01859 英語I,II 総合〈全〉5
 言語の4技能(話す・聞く・読む・書く)をバランス良く伸ばしていきます。毎週多様な話題を扱いますので飽きることなく、その日のテーマに興味を深めながら、4技能の学習が進められます。話す分野では身近な話題について生徒同士での会話、スピーチ、リポートなど様々なspeaking patternを経験します。聞く分野は豊富なリスニング教材を準備し内容の理解を英問英答で進めます。読む分野では短めの実用的な内容の文章を速読し内容把握をします。書く分野は手紙文、招待状、マニュアル、雑誌記事など短めの素材を書いてみます。

川村 陽子
01810 / 01860 英語I,II 総合〈全〉6
 英語の4技能を伸ばすために、先ずさまざまなトピックに関するまとまった内容を聞き取り、その内容について、小グループでQ&A,ロール・プレイ, ナラティブなどのアクティビティを行い、内容の 理解を深める。また、簡単な記事を読み、読解ストラテジーを学ぶ。これらのアクティビティや練習をとおして、語彙の増強や文法事項の確認も行いながら、総合的な英語の運用能力の向上を目指す。

JONES William
01811/01861 英語I,II 総合〈全〉7
評価方法 Instructors will provide a detailed grading policy in their syllabus which will be distributed on the first day of class.
テキスト Textbooks and other required materials will be listed in the course syllabus distributed by the instructor on the first day of class.