01472 英語I,IIリーディング〈全〉1〜4
春学期 秋学期 |
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1・2 |
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履修対象学科 | |
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授業概要 | This course provides students with a variety of reading strategies to improve reading proficiency and promote a positive attitude for and competence in reading in English. Activities will include both extensive and intensive reading tasks using a variety of texts for improving student skills in surveying, predicting, skimming, scanning, inferring, and making connections with the readings. この授業では、読解力の向上と読むことに対するポジティブな姿勢を養うことを目的として、種々のリーディング・ストラテジーを学ぶ。多読と精読の両方をとおして、予測立て、概要把握のための拾い読み、情報収集のための拾い読み、推論、関連付け等のリーディング・ストラテジーを学習する。 |
学修目標 | Students will increase their reading speeds, broaden and deepen their vocabulary, learn to make use of linguistic relationships to guess words from context, employ strategies to identify the writerユs purpose, predict outcomes, see relationships and draw conclusions, empowering them to be more independent learners. 学生はこの授業をとおして、以下ができるようになることが期待されている。 ・リーディング・スピードを上げ、語彙力の幅を広げ理解を深くする ・理解を深めるために、効果的にグラフィック・オーガナイザーを利用できる ・文章上の関係とコンテキストから語彙の意味を推測することができる ・作者の目的を知り、結果を予測し、情報の関連性を吟味し、結果を導き出すためのストラテジーを身に付ける ・上記の練習をとおして、学生は教室外における自律学習ができるようになる |
授業計画 | A detailed syllabus that includes a weekly schedule will be provided by the instructor on the first day of class. BROWN Dale 01470/01570 英語I,II リーディング〈全〉1 This course aims to help you become a better reader of English. You will learn how to read more quickly and effectively, and come to enjoy reading in English. You will read a variety of things in different ways. You will read newspaper-style articles for information; magazine-style articles for interest and enjoyment; and stories and poems for pleasure. We will think about a variety of skills and strategies that help you get the key information from the readings, and that help overcome problems when reading. 古泉 隆 01471 英語I リーディング〈全〉2 様々な英文を目的に応じて読むことができるようにすること、積極的・自律的に英文を読む態度を養うことを目指す。授業では、速読の演習と、リーディング・ストラテジーの演習を中心に行う。さらに授業外の課題として、多読を積極的に行ってもらう予定である。各自の目的、関心、レベルに応じた読み物を授業で学んだ方略を活用し、積極的に読むことが求められる。 01571 英語II リーディング〈全〉2 様々な英文を目的に応じて読むことができるようにすること、積極的・自律的に英文を読む態度を養うことを目指す。授業では、速読の演習、リーディング・ストラテジーの演習を行うほか、ニュース記事や小説など幅広いジャンルで多読・精読演習を行う。教室という学習環境を活かし、グループワークを中心に授業を進める予定である。 KOBAYASHI Ken 01472/01572 英語I,II リーディング〈全〉3 This course is for non-native speakers of English who have an understanding of basic phonics vocabulary pre reading and reading strategies such as topic sentence and main idea. It focuses on increasing reading comprehension with more intermediate vocabulary development, word and dictionary usage structural analysis and additional pre reading and reading strategies such as authorユs purpose and supporting details. Students will also be challenged to speak and write about the concepts addressed in the class reading. The course is designed to provide opportunities to practice all four skills LANGER Daniel 01473/01573 英語I,II リーディング〈全〉4 Course Description; This course provides students with reading skills that they can use to appreciate a variety of texts. A wide range of materials will be used to foster interest in improving fluency in the target language. Activities will be designed to improve basic skills such as skimming for details, as well as more advanced skills such as making logical connections and predictions. Course Goals; Students will increase their reading fluency, as well as strengthen their vocabulary. They will learn to use strategies to identify a writerユs purpose, as well as judge the strength of arguments encountered. Students will become critical and efficient readers, able to quickly evaluate texts. Weekly Schedule; Students will be given a weekly schedule at the beginning of the semester. |
評価方法 | Instructors will provide a detailed grading policy in their syllabus which will be distributed on the first day of class. |
テキスト | Textbooks and other required materials will be listed in the course syllabus distributed by the instructor on the first day of class. |
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