45437 中級インドネシア語I会話1,3
選必 |
春学期 秋学期 |
1 |
2 |
DAROS Henri |
他の科目との関連 | |
他学科履修 | 可 |
授業概要 | (I) インドネシア語I・II会話・作文で学んだ発音を確認しながら、スムーズな日常会話ができる能力を養う。同時に、表現の幅が広がるように語彙を増やすことにも力点をおく。 (II) 自分のいいたいことがインドネシア語で表現できるようになることが目標である。語彙の充実と、基本文型やパターン化された表現の反復学習の成果をもとに、一段上の水準の会話ができるように指導する。 |
学修目標 | 日常会話ができる能力を養い、自分が言いたいことがインドネシア語で表現できるようになることを目指す。 |
授業計画 | This course builds on the basic skills practiced in‘Indonesian Conversation and Writing’in the previous course. It is designed to give the students practice in developing their ability to communicate in Indonesian. The emphasis in this course is on real communication, actually using Bahasa Indonesia in the classroom to accomplish various tasks and assignments. Since the goal of instruction is to provide the students with practical skills necessary to enable them to continue their own study outside the classroom on an individual basis, the course plan will go as follows. Spring Semester : 1 ~ 7 . Lower intermediate level conversation, reading and writing practices related to various topics of daily life as designed in the text book 8 ~ 14. More intensive practices in conversation, reading and writing on different topics to increase students’self-confidence in using the language 15. Examination Fall Semester : 1 ~ 7 . Intermediate level conversation through interactive activities related to selected topics as designed in the intermediate level textbook 8 ~ 14. Intermediate level conversation through interactive activities with more emphasis on how to express oneself appropriately based on practical guidance and reference in the textbook 15. Examination |
評価方法 | The method of evaluation will include punctual and regular class attendance (30%), active participation in the classroom (40%), exercises, homework assignments and examination (30%) |
テキスト | 1. Henri Daros, APA KABAR, Percakapan dan Bacaan Bahasa Indonesia (Mimeography) 2. Henri Daros, MARI BERBICARA BAHASA INDONESIA (Mimeography) |
その他 | 科目登録は前年度の予備登録により決定する。 |