04211 インドネシア語I,II会話・作文[FA]
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春学期 秋学期 |
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他の科目との関連 | |
履修対象学科 | アジア |
副題 | |
授業概要 | 春学期:インドネシア語I会話・作文 インドネシア語の音に慣れることに主眼をおく。聴くことと発音することを一体化させ日本人に難しい発音を徹底的に学習する。基本的な発音ができるようになった後、使用頻度の高い簡単な表現を学ぶ。語彙は使用頻度の高い動詞と形容詞を中心にして、語彙構築の基礎をかためる。 秋学期:インドネシア語II会話・作文 IIではIの成果の上にたって、初歩のコミュニケーションができる会話力の養成をめざす。日本人の耳には同じ音として聞こえがちな類似音の区別ができるように訓練を行う。後半は表現パターンを記憶し、単語の入替えによって作文をする。 |
学修目標 | インドネシア語の音に慣れ、初歩のコミュニケーションができる会話力の養成を目指す。 |
授業計画 | This course is intended to give the students a good basis in speaking or conversation (percakapan) and writing (menulis) in Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia). At the same time, attention will be given to the skills of listening (mendengar) and reading (membaca). The primary stress is the ability to converse about daily topics. Emphasis will be placed on actual practice in the classroom. Students will be expected to actually use their Indonesian, thus gaining basic experience conversing and writing in Bahasa Indonesia. Spring Semester : 1 ~ 2. Basic guidance and practice for correct spelling and correct pronunciation 3 ~ 4. Introduction to basic vocabulary and basic conversation 5 ~ 14. Simple conversation, reading and writing practices related to various topics of daily life as designed in the textbook 15. Examination Fall Semester : 1 ~ 7. Simple conversation, reading and writing practices related to various topics of daily life as designed in the textbook. 8 ~ 14. Lower intermediate level conversation, reading and writing practices related to various topics of daily life as designed in the textbook. 15. Examination |
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) | 1. To get the students to prepare for the next class by reading the conversation and the story prepared in the textbook APA KABAR, and the list of Kosa Kata (vocabulary) respectively, for the purpose of text comprehension and vocabulary building. 2. To get the students to do written exercises in the textbook at home, as a preparation to get the idea for conversation practices in the classroom. |
評価方法 | The method of evaluation will include punctual and regular class attendance (30%), active participation in the classroom (40%), exercises, homework assignments and examination (30%) |
テキスト | Henri Daros, APA KABAR, Percakapan dan Bacaan Bahasa Indonesia (Mimeography) |
その他 |