
TEE Ve-Yin
副題 William Blake
授業概要 The Romantic period includes some of the most accessible and emotionally affecting poetry in the English language. This is certainly an important reason why its poets remain popular in England, a country in which the reading of poems has largely replaced Bible reading as a source of spiritual comfort. The aim of this course is to help the advanced learner of English arrive at a deeper understanding of English culture through one of its most important components: the poetry of William Blake.
学修目標 By the end of this course, you should be able to interpret shorter poems from the Romantic period. You will also gain the knowledge and confidence to comment on a range of topics in Romantic art and history.
授業計画 1. What is a Poem? Who is a Poet?
2. The French Revolution
3. England 1789-1815
4. William Blake
5. Myths of Childhood (Part 1): Conceptions and Pre-Conceptions
6. Myths of Childhood (Part 2): Blake's The Echoing Green and A Cradle Song
7. Myths of Childhood (Part 3): Coleridge's Frost at Midnight (1798) and Wordsworth's Ode (1798)
8. Myths of Childhood (Part 4):Children, Work and Sex
9. Catch-Up Week
10. Poetry and Politics (Part 1): Conceptions and Pre-Conceptions
11. Poetry and Politics (Part 2): Blake's The Little Black Boy and The Chimney Sweeper
12. Poetry and Politics (Part 3): Southey's To the Genius of Africa
13. Poetry and Politics (Part 4): The Slave Trade
14. Conclusion
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) You will be assigned about 2 hours of homework every week. Apart from reading the course textbook, you will be given other reading materials and be expected to prepare class presentations, written analyses of poems,
評価方法 1500-word essay が 50%、final exam が30%、participationが20%
テキスト Blake, William, Songs of Innocence and of Experience (Oxford University Press), ISBN0192810898.
その他 You should already have a good understanding of the English language. Ideally, you should be confident at speaking English and have a TOEIC score of 750 points or more.
You must bring these items to each class:
 ・Blake's Songs of Innocence and of Experience
 ・An A-4-sized folder with at least 40 pockets
 ・A dictionary (this may be a book or electronic)
Class size will be limited to 30 students.