
WRIGHT, Rachel
履修対象学科 経営学科
授業概要 This course will help students develop their writing ability in English. Classes will include a variety of writing tasks which will include sentence-combining activities, grammar lessons, writing letters, paragraphs and short essay over a range of topics of life issues to help students write clearly and effectively. Each student will submit a writing portfolio of their work at the end of the semester.
学修目標 Students will develop skills in planning, organizing and developing ideas, and expressing themselves clearly with attention to audience awareness. Emphasis will be on the sentence and paragraph level in Writing I, and on the paragraph and essay level in Writing II. Students will be exposed to the different stages of the writing process — pre-writing, drafting, revising, and editing — to help students become more independent writers.
授業計画 Class Text Unit, Writing Topics and Focus          Portfolio submissions
 1 Writing Tips : An overview of common errors in
   English Writing.
 2 Corrections : Common errors in English Writing.
   Begin unit 5: Supporting With Parallel Points
 3 First Draft : Supporting With Parallel Points.
   Peer correct with partner. Grammar Focus: Articles
 4 Unit6: Interpreting Proverbs and Quotations Focus:    Portfolio Submission 1
   Using the senses in writing
 5 Unit6 Continued : First Draft Proverbs and Quotations  Quiz: The Senses: in Writing
 6 Unit6 continued : Peer Corrections
   Share Proverbs and Quotations
 7 Unit7 : Writing a summary              Portfolio Submission 2
   Focus : Editing for Run-on Sentences
 8 Unit7 Continued. In-class editing for Run-on Sentences.
   Finish First Draft
 9 Unit7 Continued: Peer corrections in class.       Quiz: “Edit Me!”
 10 Unit8 : Responding to Non-Fiction: Reading       Portfolio Submission 3
   examples in class. Focus: Sentence fragments
 11 Unit8 : Sharing outside sources of responses to
   non-fiction. Identifying quality vs inferior
   responses. First Draft.
 12 Unit8 : Peer corrections in — class. Re-writes of errors. Quiz: Identify the quality
                             non-fiction response.
 13 Review Units 5〜8                 Portfolio Submission 4
 14 Unit9 : Intro to Final Report (Final portfolio
   submission): Choose fiction to critique
   (supplied by instructor)
 15 Peer review of research topic drafts          Portfolio Submission 5 Due 1
   In-class assistance with instructor for final        week from final class). This is
   report/portfolio review                the Final Report.
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) Students will be expected to complete the necessary revisions to rough and final drafts at home. All final portfolio submissions are to be typed outside of class time. Each student will prepare a total of 25 short journal entries per semester.
評価方法 Participation : 10%, Homework/Draft Preparation : 15%, Final drafts : 30% Completed journal entries : 10% Short quizzes : 10%, Final Report : 25%
テキスト Writers at Work: The Short Composition, Cambridge University Press
その他 Attendance and Participation are graded heavily in this course. Students who miss 4 classes will fail without exception. Club activities are considered an absence. The final report must be submitted before the final deadline. Failure to do so will result in a grade of X for the student. Portfolios should be orderly and organized as per the instructor,s guidelines.