
BOWDEN Matthew
履修対象学科 人文学部
授業概要 This course will help students develop their writing ability in English. Classes will include a variety of writing tasks including grammar lessons, writing letters, paragraphs and short essays over a range of topics of life issues to help students write clearly and effectively. Each student will submit a writing portfolio of their work at the end of the semester.
学修目標 1.Students will further develop their understanding of English paragraphs
2.Students will learn to write essays
3.They will learn to analyze their own and the work of other students
4.They will increase the number of words they can write in a given time period
5.They will write a coherent essay of at least 300 words
授業計画 1.Welcome back — Review
2.Giving Examples
3.Giving Examples
4.Comparison and Contrast
5.Comparison and Contrast
6.Writing essays
7.Comparison/ Contrast —the essay
8.Essay Analysis
9.Cause and Effect — the essay
10.Cause and Effect -the essay
11.Essay Analysis
12.Giving Reasons — the essay
13.Giving Reasons — the essay
14.Essay Analysis
15.Review and Assemble Writing Portfolio (Due date to be announced in class)
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) Students will have homework every week working on a draft to hand in next class.
評価方法 Class Performance 20%
Writing Portfolio (Final Report included) 80%
テキスト Paragraphs That Communicate, Jimbo & Murto, Macmillan
その他 Attendance : Students are expected to attend class regularly. Students who miss 4 classes will receive an F. Students who fail to turn in the final report by the deadline will receive an X.