
JONES William
授業概要 Class will strengthen students, English ability in the four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) to help academic, personal, and various future-professional lives.
学修目標 1. Use English holistically where all four skills are being utilized
2. Read/listen to short passages of 100 − 300 words and summarize them in written form/orally
3. Recognize and use vocabulary in simple grammar structures such as present tense, present continuous, simple past, etc. in written/oral form
4. Do short dictations of 50-75 words
5. Write short paragraphs of 100 − 150 words and retell them
6. Talk about interests and daily routines for 3- 5 minutes
授業計画 1. Syllabus, Initial Assessment, Introductions
2. Vocabulary Development, Conversation, Dictation, Reading
3. Vocabulary Development, Conversation, Dictation, Reading, Writing
4. Quiz 1 − Vocabulary Development, Conversation, Group Discussion, Reading, Writing
5. Content − Critical and Logical Thinking, Written Reactions and Self-Reflection
6. Content − Short Paragraph Summations, Inspirational Stories
7. Content − Intl. & Japanese Culture, Reactions and Reflections
8. Quiz 2 − cont. of Intl. & Japanese Culture, Reactions and Reflections
9. Content − Provided According to General Overall Interest of Class
10. Content - Provided According to General Overall Interest of Class
11. Preparation for Test
12. Test
13. Teaching Others about Report
14. Cont. of Teaching Others about Report
15. Semester Review
授業時間外の学習(準備学習など) Students are required to review the previous lessons to ensure a smooth transition for the following classes.
評価方法 Participation 10%, Preparation/Homework 15%, Quizzes 20%, Test 30%, Final Report 25%
テキスト N/A − J/E & E/J dictionary required for each class.
その他 Attendance: Students are expected to attend class regularly. Students who miss 4 or more classes will receive an F. If absent from class, student has responsibility to get prints/info. from other students to be adequately prepared for next lesson.