News & Topics その他

■LIU Peterさん(University of Southern California)
My internship at The Chunichi Shimbun was my first time experiencing what it was like to work at a Japanese company. I worked with my mentor to select a theme for the article, contact and interview relevant people, and draft an article. It was a little bit daunting at first because people in America like to point out Japan's strict work culture as a problem. However, the employees were polite and friendly and the overall environment was both pleasant and professional. As a Business Japanese student, I was pleased to practice using business expressions and observe my mentor interact with both co-workers and interviewees. While you may have to choose between traveling Japan for a few days and the internship during the Spring break, the time spent talking and writing with The Chunichi Shimbun employees, getting to travel the city by taxi, and having interesting conversations with interviewees is an eye-opening exploration of its own.
■GREMPEL Svenjaさん(University of Vienna)
During my exchange at Nanzan University I had the opportunity to do an internship at The Chunichi Shimbun, a local newspaper company in the prefecture, for around one month. My task was to do an interview and write my own article. I also helped my colleagues with research. For one week I worked at the newspaper's headquarters. I enjoyed the lively atmosphere at the office and the conversations with the newspeople very much. In correspondence with the journalist assigned to me I wrote my article from home. After approximately three weeks the article was ready to be published. The internship was not only a great chance to put my Japanese to use, but also taught me a lot of new words and phrases. It surely also broadened my career opportunities.