NU-COIL by Nanzan UniversityNanzan University
NU-COIL Program


【NU-COIL Symposium 2023】Archived streaming via Youtube


The NU-COIL Symposium was held on December 21st 2022 to review what we have achieved for the last 5 years.

The symposium was divided into two parts: Panel discussions with professors of our COIL partner universities in the US and a sharing of Study Abroad Experience by NU-COIL Participants.

We have started archived streaming of this symposium with English by interpreters, so please take a look! (Please click each image to jump to the YouTube page.)

【Session 1】

■Welcome Remarks
 -Robert Kisala, President, Nanzan University

■Program Overview and Accomplishments of NU-COIL
 -Masahiro Hoshino, Vice President for Global Affairs, Nanzan University

Panel Discussions: "A new educational approach, development, and future collaboration using Collaborative Online International Learning"

※Some of the program content has been cut.

【Session 2】


Sharing of Study Abroad Experience by NU-COIL Participants
 -3 Students(Nanzan University) ・2 Students(Exchange Students, Studied at Nanzan University)

■Closing Remarks
 -Masahiro Hoshino, Vice President for Global Affairs, Nanzan University

※Some of the program content has been cut.