NU-COIL by Nanzan UniversityNanzan University
NU-COIL Program


Utilizing online tools such as SNS and/or video chat, students from our partner universities collaborate on projects and exchange opinions with Nanzan students. This program, NU-COIL, in conjunction with study abroad and internship opportunities, equips students with the competence and skills required to be a global leader. This international program is unique to Nanzan University, driven by strong relationships with our partner universities and local business organizations. There are three types of courses:

  1. Basic COIL

    Focuses on cultural and basic exchange of opinion and language acquisition. It aims to break the ice by communicating prior to short-term study abroad programs.

  2. Academic COIL

    Provides learning opportunities in the fields of politics, economics, culture, etc. In addition to cultural study, it focuses more on cultivating and expanding students' academic base prior to involvement in a long-term study abroad program.


    Offers practical classes in which students work together on projects that local businesses or government offices provide. Students are expected to research, debate and produce proposals. Advanced language skills and adequate knowledge are required.

    PBL=Project Based Learning

What is COIL?

COIL(Collaborative Online International Learning)is a new educational approach by which participants enhance their languages skills and understanding of foreign culture by interacting online with students overseas. COIL transcends differences in time zones, languages and culture. The exchange is multifaceted - using communication by messages such as e-mail, video conversation, focused discussion on certain topics, or the joint creation of movies or projects designed to solve certain problems. When we say "online", that does not only mean real-time video conversations, but also media familiar to students such as SNS including Facebook and LINE along with LMS (Learning Management System). COIL allows students to free themselves of the constrictions of time-zone differences to interact meaningfully by text message or video message. This approach makes the international collaboration possible while still being on campus.

Examples of exchange

  • Sending video footage of a discussion or a powerpoint presentation by e-mail and asking "What do you think about this issue? or Give us your opinion on this part".
  • Students in Japan and overseas work together to create a slideshow presentation or video on a specific topic.
  • Students in Japan and overseas read the same article about an aspect of the news and then discuss the topic.

【Message from the president (NU-COIL)】

The benefits

  • Foreign language skills improve because students are required to interact in their target language.
  • Communication skills and problem-solving skills improve by carrying out tasks in a group.
  • IT skills improve through using IT tools to carry out joint tasks online.

Partner Institutions

COIL-type courses are being implemented with American universities and other universities in the countries and regions of Asia.
Nanzan University has formed around 100 student exchange partnerships with overseas universities. COIL-type courses will lead to the further strengthening of the relationships in conjunction with study abroad programs.