NU-COIL by Nanzan UniversityNanzan University
NU-COIL Program


The intership at Aichi Prefectual Government Office


The five International students from the United States got to visit the Aichi prefectual government office. The office held an introduction about the outline of International Affairs Division and the connection between Aichi Prefecture and the United States. Then, they had a government building tour and got to see the big hall called "Shoucho" where they hold ceremonies and other official events. They also learned about the history of the Aichi prefectural government building. In the end, they were able to attend Aichi Prefectural assembly meeting and listen to questions and answers about prefectural administration. Even though the Japanese words were a bit difficult for them, they were able to understand the contents of the meeting. It was valuable for them to learn about the connection between the local government and the United States.

