NU-COIL by Nanzan UniversityNanzan University
NU-COIL Program


【PBL COIL】Final class for PBL A


The final presentation of PBL A was held on the topic of achieving smooth communication by noticing differences in work styles and business communication between Japanese and overseas companies.


In this course, students have studied cultural differences in business communication through anecdotes by Japanese employees with experience working overseas and foreign employees working in Japan at partner companies and organizations, and through discussion with students at the University of North Georgia. Students also researched the topic using relevant literature, and proposed how to achieve smooth communication in different business cultures on the final day of the course.


The evaluators commented on the actual experience of working in Japan and overseas, and provided advice on the presentations.


Thus, the final presentations were completed in all Career Oriented International Collaboration PBL courses.

We are very grateful to the companies and organizations that worked with us.

Thank you to everyone who attended the open class.

To our students, thank you very much for creating and presenting your plans, discussions, and presentations in a very short time!