NU-COIL by Nanzan UniversityNanzan University
NU-COIL Program


The messasge from students (outbound) VOL.3 (North Georgia University)


North Georgia University

Department of Business Administration, Mayu Ito

It has been already two months since my student life in the US has started. I enjoy my life here everyday even if the classes are not easy to catch up and I have lots of homework. North Gerogia Universty has Japanese language course and there are many students who are interested in Japanese culture and I am really gald to know that. I was worried at first since UNG and Nanzan university bacame exchange partner recently therefore I am the first and the only one Japanese exchange student. However, I felt pretty relieved that I already have some friends through Futaba Project (one of the NU-COIL project) as UNG students came to Japan in summer before I even come to the US. I will use the limited time more meaningful and continue trying hard.
