NU-COIL by Nanzan UniversityNanzan University
NU-COIL Program


Six study abroad students at Arizona State University (ASU) during the 2021 Fall participated in a one-day internship (2021-10-12)


Six study abroad students at Arizona State University (ASU) during the 2021 Fall participated in a one-day internship.

Host Institution: Downtown Phoenix Inc.

The internship was offered by a non-profit organization that works hand-in-hand with many companies to help people living in the city live a more comfortable life and to enable visitors to the downtown area feel the charm of the city.



2.Question and Answer session

3.Storytelling by a marketing leader

4.Art tour by DTPHX Golf cart


6.Meeting with a CEO

7.Experience in the field

8.Question and Answer session with a marketing director

9.Closing thoughts

On the day of the meeting, the organization took sufficient time to answer questions and responded in detail to the students' queries.

The students went around downtown on a golf cart and actually wore the ambassadors' orange uniforms to learn about the work that ambassadors do every day.


Judging by the comments of the those involved, many students felt that the organization valued connections among people, and found the work satisfying, rewarding, and fun.

Some students made observations comparing the working styles of Japan and the United States, suggesting that it would be interesting to introduce the business model of the organization they were working with to Japan and considering how it could be adapted.


For the students, it was a very educational internship!