NU-COIL by Nanzan UniversityNanzan University
NU-COIL Program


Zoom meeting with students who are currently studying at COIL partner universities in the United States!


A Zoom meeting was held at 10:00 AM JST on Friday, October 29, with students who are currently studying at COIL partner universities in the United States!

This event was planned and overseen by NaSIP* students.

*NaSIP: A project in which students who have experience studying abroad and faculty members collaborate to support study abroad.

Due to the proximity of Halloween, some students appeared in costume, and everyone looked cheerful.

Many topics were raised, and many students spoke of how they studied hard every day at their libraries and dormitories.

There were questions from students in Japan about what kind of subjects they were taking and about local public safety, and some spoke at length about what they knew only thanks to being in the area.

COIL1029 flyer.jpg